I’m 51: How PEMF Technology helps me recover faster

How PEMF technology has helped a 51-year-old

Four years ago, Mark was a mess.

Overweight. Inactive. Literally creaking as he walked.

“I admit, I wasn’t in great shape in my forties. I knew I had to do something after I visited my Doctor one morning.

She told me that my blood results weren’t good and I was carrying too much weight. If I carried on, things wouldn’t look too rosy in my fifties.

Thinking about how my range of motion, my balance, and my grip would deteriorate as I grew older, it frightened me. I wasn't doing anything about it. That’s the moment I knew I had to change course.”

Mark joined the nifty fifties last year. He now feels good for his age. He regularly works out. 10-12,000 steps a day is more than comfortable.

But how does he keep his energy levels up, and how does he recover after his workouts and daily walks?

Here’s his short story.

Maintaining wellness is important.

Man going for a walk

How I look after myself now will shape how I look and feel in my 60s and 70s. If I’m lucky to get there.

I’m in the gym 3-4 times a week. At 51, that feels like an achievement. Balancing regular gym sessions with the right recovery will be essential along the way.

One thing I’ve started noticing is my recovery. Recovering from cramps, stiffness, and the odd pulled muscle is taking longer. Sitting things out for a few days, even 1-2 weeks, is something that can knock me back a few steps. It’s frustrating.

But I remind myself that I’m on a wellness journey. It’s not a race. Eating well, getting enough rest and sleeping well keeps me happy and in good shape.

Now, I’ve started to look further into recovery. A close friend told me about a technology called PEMF. He told me that athletes, astronauts, even some doctors were recommending PEMF to recover faster. 

I’m not the world’s biggest doubter, but I do question things. And when I’m looking for answers, I go down a rabbit hole. I read articles. I question the validity of claims.

So, I studied the link between PEMF and faster recovery.

The science behind PEMF

The scienmce-backed studies behind PEMF technology is important

Turns out there are plenty of links. Lots of science-backed studies. Medical research. Most of it makes fascinating reading.

Sports stars like Shaquille O’Neil, Paul Byrd, and soccer teams like A.C Milan and Bayern Munich use PEMF for post game recovery. Studies have shown that PEMF's electrical and magnetic fields can improve blood flow. This can help to expand blood vessels, and reduce blood pressure.

These studies also show that PEMF can help to speed up the recovery process when your muscle tissue needs repairing. In turn, this can minimise delayed onset muscle soreness.

Less stiffness meant better mobility. I was now three quarters convinced.  

However, 75% isn’t 100%. Reading into something and experiencing it are two worlds apart. I needed to know whether it worked. I had to try out this PEMF.

I contacted my friend again to see if he had any tips or suggestions. He mentioned a company called BON CHARGE who had a collection of different Infrared PEMF Mats and wellness devices. The reviews checked out. Their customers were experiencing a range of benefits from better sleep to faster recovery.

I decided it was time to make the investment. And I saw this as an investment into my wellness, rather than a cost. It was time to try out BON CHARGE’s PEMF Mat Demi.

Did the PEMF Demi help with recovery?

Man stretching on a PEMF mat

The mat arrived quickly. It was easy to set up and use. I also quickly got into a routine using it. After each gym session, I came home, unraveled the mat on my bed, and lay on it.

Does PEMF work? 

100%, it does. I’ve had it for about 5 weeks, and I’m experiencing so many benefits. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but this is what I’ve experienced so far.

  • I’m much more relaxed after lying on the PEMF for 30 minutes. After I do upper body workouts, I can feel the muscles in my shoulders, arms and upper back loosen. My range of motion is nowhere near as limited afterwards. The next day, I feel less stiffness, too.
  • After intense leg workouts and foam rolling, my lower back, glutes, and leg muscles are usually sore post-workout, and for a few days. A longer 45-minute PEMF session warms and loosens these muscles. I now find it much easier to get my active recovery - 10-12,000 steps - in the next day. (Some days, the foam roller comes in handy.)
  • My sleep has also been much deeper. I’m a light sleeper and can often wake up 2-3 times a night (cars, lights, dogs). I’ve rarely stirred. I'm regularly going to bed at 8.30pm after a PEMF session, and I'm getting a good 7-8 hours of sleep.
  • I usually leave a day between workouts. I’ve been able to do two days together and then have a rest day for muscle repair. I’ve noticed a difference in my physique (muscle mass, muscle growth) and how good it makes me feel.
  • Work is also busy right now. I'm flat out with several projects. Because I’m sleeping much deeper, I’m waking up a lot more refreshed with more energy. It’s certainly making a huge difference, and I'm dealing with challenges with much more clarity.

Is PEMF worth the investment?

Man exercising in the gym after recovery

Absolutely. This PEMF Mat has been a godsend. My recovery is much faster. For the first time in a long time, I'm moving towards high intensity exercise with a higher level of strength training.

I'm on my way to achieving a good level of aerobic exercise, and I'm happy with that.

I’m sleeping with hardly any stirring during the night. I'm much more relaxed and composed at work. For a 51-year-old, I feel much younger, and I’m getting more energy by the day.

The only negative I can take from this whole experience is that I didn’t look into PEMF sooner. Then again, I’m grateful for discovering it and having that peace of mind that I made the right decision.

I'm still on a journey to improve my wellness. Bring on the rest of the 50s, 60s, and beyond.


More reading:

How to choose the right PEMF device for you.


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Infrared PEMF Recovery Products

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